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Each year during the Tax Filing Season, Tax Professionals face the Inevitable which is the Repetitive input of Customer Information for Tax Filing

I am Tan. I have been running a Tax Firm with my friends for 4-5 years. At the beginning, there were not many customers. In order to save money, we chose to use Excel to manually process customers’ Tax Com.

With the increase in business overtime, our number of customers has expanded from a few to dozens. During this time, we experienced the frequent changes of tax policies every year by LHDN, including Incentive, Rebate, Relief, Tax Rate updates, etc. It takes time to confirm each of the changes made to ensure we have done our adjustments accordingly, but sometimes a small mistake could happen and we have to re-do all our client’s Tax Com again!

Once we are done with the hard part of generating a Tax Com and obtaining the customer’s approval, the next step is the tedious e-Filing. We will need to enter dozens of pages of information one by one. This has caused me and my partners to have countless late nights and even working overtime on Sundays to complete the e-Filing and double checking of the data entered.

We are very fortunate that our customers have introduced many of their friends to become our customers. In just 2-3 years, we have helped more than 100 customers to do their Income Tax. However, with the increase in business, we also found that the workload has increased tremendously, so we had to hire a few new employees and also purchased a new server to store customer data; just the purchase of hardware alone cost more than RM10,000.

With the increase in workload, we found that Excel was no longer able to efficiently handle our tax preparation work, so we needed to use a tax software to help us simplify our tax work. Through finding out from our peers, we found that most tax software requires hardware of certain standards. In other words, if we choose to use the software, we might need to spend more money to replace the hardware.

Unexpectedly, the pandemic hit us and the situation became more and more serious, the government had ordered our industry to work from home. This was troublesome, because at that time LHDN did not give a grace period for us to adjust to the new working conditions, and all our customer’s information was stored on the company’s server, working from home became a difficult challenge.

One day I was browsing through my phone and came across an advertisement with the headline saying “e-Filing tax report only takes 3 seconds”, so I clicked on it and it led to the registration for an eDemo of a tax software. I registered for myself and my partners to attend this eDemo. To be honest, I just wanted to have a look at it without having much expectation. However, after attending their eDemo, we were all amazed by this cloud tax software! This is exactly what we are looking for, because it can be controlled remotely, unlimited data storage, automated tax preparation, and timely updates of tax regulations; their features completely solve our problems during this crisis too!

This cloud tax software also provides online training. We have registered employees for the training through ZOOM, and they are able to quickly learn the operations of the software. In fact, using the software is quite simple. With our professional knowledge, it is really easy to get it done and generate a customer’s Tax Com. On top of that, the 3 second e-Filing makes our life so much easier, just a click and it transfers all our data to the LHDN Portal!

Thank you iBiZZtax for helping us through the most difficult period. We are very fortunate to have discovered this software, which allowed us to easily transform into a Digital Tax Firm and help customers complete the submission within the time limit, even if all our employees are working from home. This has greatly improved our work efficiency, and we are able to provide the flexibility of allowing our employees to work from anywhere safely!

– Adapted from a real customer –

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